A few days back we had reported that veteran actor Cheenu Mohan will be acting with Thalapathy Vijay in the latter's grand 61st film 'Mersal'. Now the actor has shared the details about his character. Mohan who is a theater artist and has acted in some Tamil films including last year's 'Iraivi' and 'Aandavan Kattalai' has said that he is very excited to be working with Vijay for the first time since he admires the star a lot. He is also happy because he will be getting to play a lengthy role in the film directed by Atlee as he will be seen as the heroine's father. and he has a lot of combination scenes with Vijay in the film. Though he has not revealed the name of the heroine. it is safe to assume that he will be playing Samantha's father as the shooting for Vijay and Samantha's portions are being shot in the current schedule in Chennai. Cheenu Mohan also confirmed that he will start shooting for the film from the July 1st. (Courtes...