Popular Malayalam actor Dileep was arrested on July 10, 2017, for his alleged involvement in the conspiracy leading to the assault of a popular actress in February. Upon Dileep's arrest, many celebrities decided to keep mum while certain others reacted. Now, the popular actor and writer Sreenivasan has come out with his opinion regarding actor Dileep's arrest and involvement of the actor in the conspiracy. The actor opened up about this during his interaction with media, after visiting the Kayamkulam Kattanath Onatukkara Coconut Oil Company. Sreenivasan opined that he feels that Dileep won't attempt such foolishness and also thinks that Dileep is a man with minimum common sense. The actor added that since it is a case under investigation, he doesn't want to react much on the issue. In fact, the actor also had a few words to say about the functioning of AMMA (Association Of Malayalam Movie Artists). He stated that AMMA has become an organization which function...