Imtiaz Ali directorial Jab Harry Met Sejal was expected to give the box office a boost as none of the films in 2017 have shown an unexpected business so far. But to everyone’s surprise, despite a hit on-screen couple like Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma, the film seems to be in free fall. On Monday, the film fell from Rs 15.50 crores to Rs 7.15 crores at the box office, which is unusual for a Shah Rukh film. It seems quite possible that this SRK film will meet the same fate as Tubelight, which despite being an Eid release crawled towards the mark of Rs 100 crore. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the box office figure on his official Twitter account. He wrote, “#JabHarryMetSejal Fri 15.25 cr, Sat 15 cr, Sun 15.50 cr, Mon 7.15 cr [Raksha Bandhan]. Total: ₹ 52.90 cr. India biz… #JHMS” A Man Asked Sushma Swaraj To ‘Rescue’ Him From Watching JHMS Later, commenting on Bollywood’s performance in the year so far, Taran in a series of tweets expressed, “Tubelight, JaggaJasoo...