On July 13th we had reported about actor Nassar's son Faizal pasting the sticker of Thalapathy Vijay's 'Mersal' logo on the backside of his car (Read Here: Thalapathy 'Mersal' fever starts for this star kid well in advance). On 14th we have news about not one but two young fan boys of Vijay. Adith and Advaith the sons of director Arun Vaidyanathan of 'Achamundu Achamundu' fame have met Vijay recently and received his autograph. They were also wearing the t-shirt carrying Vijay's image printed on it. Hema Rukmani, the CEO of Thenandal Films which is producing Vijay's upcoming most expected film 'Mersal' has shared the photograph of the two kids in her Twitter page and confirmed that they received autograph from Vijay on the sets of 'Mersal'. Arun Vaidyanathan has promptly thanked her for making his sons realise their dream of meeting Vijay. The filmmaker's next film 'Nibunan' starring Arjun, Prasanna and Varalax...