Actor Chiyaan Vikram is currently busy shooting for 'Dhruva Natchathiram' directed by Gautham Menon and he has also been shooting for 'Sketch' directed by Vijay Chander of 'Vaalu' fame. It must be noted that Thalapathy Vijay's 'Mersal' is also announced as a Diwali festival release. So if 'Sketch' also makes it to the screens for the grand festival of lights it would be a memorable festival season for movie buffs. Earlier 'Sketch' was expected to hit the screens in September 2017. But now the makers are eyeing for a 'Deepavali festival release in October. Earlier Vijay and Vikram films have released for the same festival weekend in four occasions. 'Tamizhan'-'Gemini' (Tamil New Year 2002) 'Puthiya Geethai'- 'Kadhal Sadugudu' (Tamil New Year 2003) 'Thirumalai'- 'Pithamagan' (Diwali 2004) 'Sivakasi'- 'Maja' (Diwali 2005)