Ever since the popular actress was abducted and sexually assaulted in a moving car in Kochi by a gang of six, who reportedly took pictures and videos of the actress to blackmail her, it was widely reported in the media that it was Malayalam superstar Dileep is involved in the conspiracy. From slamming the media (for defaming him) to giving emotional speeches in the public and in channels, Dileep took several steps to keep his name away from the actress abduction case. But, these unexpected mistakes by the actor cemented his way to the jail. 1. Dileep made a complaint to Police that he and his manager were receiving blackmail calls from a person called Vishnu, (main accused Pulsar Suni's friend) demanding Rupees 1.5 crore. He also submitted the phone conversation records to the Police. The special investigation team was suspicious about the complaint as Suni was constantly calling the actor from jail, but Dileep filed a complaint much later after 20 days. ...