Ever since the popular actress was abducted and sexually assaulted in a moving car in Kochi by a gang of six, who reportedly took pictures and videos of the actress to blackmail her, it was widely reported in the media that it was Malayalam superstar Dileep is involved in the conspiracy. From slamming the media (for defaming him) to giving emotional speeches in the public and in channels, Dileep took several steps to keep his name away from the actress abduction case. But, these unexpected mistakes by the actor cemented his way to the jail.
1. Dileep made a complaint to Police that he and his manager were receiving blackmail calls from a person called Vishnu, (main accused Pulsar Suni's friend) demanding Rupees 1.5 crore. He also submitted the phone conversation records to the Police. The special investigation team was suspicious about the complaint as Suni was constantly calling the actor from jail, but Dileep filed a complaint much later after 20 days.
2. Soon, Dileep submitted a letter that he received from Pulsar Suni (when he was in jail) to Police. Dileep alleged that Pulsar Suni is blackmailing him with the letter. But it was rather a friendly letter, and there were no threats or blackmailing. And interestingly, neither in the letter not in the phone call records, Suni had blackmailed asking 1.5 Crore rupees. During the introspection, the actor had no answers to the question as to when and where was he blackmailed. In the due course of the investigation, it was proven that this complaint was fake.
3. During the marathon questioning session, Dileep repeatedly said that he don't know Pulsar Suni. But Police recovered pictures taken at shooting locations showing Dileep and Pulsar Suni in the same frame, which busts Dileep's claim that he did not even know Kumar.
4. Dileep claimed that he was not aware of the attack on the actress until producer Anto Jose called him on the morning after the assault. As Anto's call lasted only 12 seconds, Police smelled fishy. How could a person complete a call in just 12 secs after knowing the shocking incident that happened to a colleague? wondered the Police team.
5. Dileep did not protest even once against the Police during the 13 hours long questioning session. According to Police, an innocent person would resist atleast once against such marathon questioning.
6. Towards the end of the interrogation, Dileep is said to have cried and begged the officials to save him.
*Courtesy Indiaglitz