Rangeela, a girl from Ariyalur, has received funds from actor Vijay’s fan clubs known as Vijay’s Makkal Iyakkam, to pursue higher education. The actor had recently visited the house of Anitha, who had committed suicide as she was unable to secure a medicine seat. Anitha had scored 1176 marks out of 1200 and scored a cutoff of 196.75. However, she only secured 86 marks out of 720 in NEET exam, which was declared mandatory for admission by the Supreme Court. Rangeela had allegedly approached an expelled member of the fans’ association who had duped her with promises of financial assistance. In a clarification, the fans’ association has now said that the club had no idea about the girl’s request. Furthermore, they have offered to bear the expenses for Rangeela to pursue her higher education at a college in Kanyakumari.