KOCHI: The Kerala High Court today rejected the bail plea of popular Malayalam actor Dileep, arrested for allegedly plotting the February 17 abduction and assault of a popular South Indian actress here. Dismissing the bail application of the actor, Justice Sunil Thomas said the investigation in the case is progressing and the mobile phone, stated by the prosecution as a key evidence in the case, has not been recovered. The investigation against the accused is into the conspiracy behind the case and it cannot be proved by direct evidence, the court observed. The accused is influential and is likely to tamper with the evidence if bail is granted at this stage, the court said. The actor, arrested on July 10, moved the high court for bail after an Angamaly magisterial court refused to grant him the relief and sent him to judicial custody till July 25. The High Court had reserved its orders on his bail plea in the case, on July 20. D...