Lakshmi is an upcoming film directed by Vijay of Madarasapattinam and Thalaivaa fame that has Prabhu Deva, Aishwarya Rajesh and Ditya Bhande in the lead roles. The film is slated for a release on 24th August, and is produced by Prateek Chakravorty, Shruti Nallappa and R. Ravindran under the banner of Pramod Films & Trident Arts.The makers of the film have released a new making video of the film that shows how the dance scenes were choreographed and shot. The movie has Sam CS composing the music, while Nirav Shah has done the cinematography. It also features other talented artists like Karunakaran, Salman Yusuff Khan, Chams and Kovai Sarala.
This is a dance film and this traces the lives of a dance master and his extraordinary student, as said in the trailer. The movie is being promoted as a huge dance festival sort of film. This is Prabhu Deva's 4th film this year after Gulaebagavali, Kalavaadiya Pozhudhugal and Mercury. He still has films like Yung Mung Sung and Charlie Chaplin 2 in the pipeline.